So I drank enough last night to loosen my tongue but not too much that I couldn't remember what I talked about. On our way back home I asked Ragazzo what he wanted, because he says he didn't like that woman from the other night at Lowe's who just got into the truck and left the older man to do the heavy lifting. But then again all the women he's dated and been interested in we're the skinny girls who are normally very girly-girl. He explained that he liked the women in the middle- that all his exes use to be in the middle. They would be girly but also wouldn't mind heavy lift and dirty work. But after a time they would change and just want to be girly-girls and not do any work. Even his exwife changed and her father would get after her for it as well. I countered with- well everything and everyone changes, as much as women say they don't want to be apart of the old type gender roles, when they are in long termed committed relationships they norma...