Tonight is a brilliant, warm night, there is a slight breeze, the stars are shining, the night is just blissful. This is NOT a night to leave the casita door WIDE FUCKING OPEN!! Which, of course, I did as I went to chat with my landlady which, I know, is never a short chat. So we're chatting for the better part of an hour before I get out and come back to my abode and the first thing I see is a little wolf spider trying to haul ass out of my place- I kill it. Satisfied I turn to close the door and HOLY MOTHER OF A FUCKING .... *ahem*... peanut.... there is this HUGE FUCKING SPIDER just chilling by a bookend on the floor! It's like an inch long, 1/2 an inch wide and just sitting there!!! Honestly, I think it was a baby tarantula, but AJ will tell me for sure tomorrow. So I spray that thing with bug spray and it took a good 5 minutes for that fucker to die. Normally I don't have a problem with tarantulas but jesus this one scared me. NEVER IN MY CASITA!!!!! Now I'm al...