
                I got in at 2240, 20 minutes early, but for some reason I thought the trip in would have taken longer. Pulling up the building is dark and looming, shifting shadows in the darkened windows, the server room blinds quivering and rolling with the cooling system.

                It'll be a slow night, the Persian is on shift with me, bossman is floating about and the Byrd is floating about somewhere as well. The Persian brought Clint Eastwood movies, I should have brought my DVD player, but I thought he was joking when he said we could. But I like Clint Eastwood, if the Persian can get the player to work we'll watch Outlaw Josey Wales which Owl Woman says is a great movie, White Sox loves it too. Even if watching movies gets boring, like it ever does? I have some spreadsheets to look through for actual work- of course the likelihood of that happening is slim. Come Monday I need to finish the work my SlaveDriver and I were doing the past 3 days. I like working with her, she is nice and it's fun working with her. Plus, she feeds me, and we joke around. The past three days felt like someone pushed fast forward, but I suppose that's what happens when you have a deadline to meet- of course we missed it. Oops. But working that hard to meet a close deadline that borders on hectic panic is what I was made for!

                I also brought my Kindle and my Bow to work to read and to practice my hand dexterity. My thumb keeps locking up.

                I don't like leaving my dogs alone over night, and they are outside too. It's warm enough for them to be out all night, but poor Artie, she's so use to sleeping in the bed cuddled against me. Ah well, sometimes it cannot be helped. So my thumb keeps locking up, it is suppose to remain slightly bend, the fingers of the right hand all arched slightly as I hold the bow and run through my practices always keeping sure that the thumb remains bent and the pinkie stays on the bow! Silly pinky keeps trying to curl up again my palm and stay out the way like it does for everything else- well, not just stay out of the way but also keep my hand balanced. I watch it now as I type, the left pinky hits the Shift key while the right pinky hits the Enter key or just curls up and stretches out keeping balance as the hands glide across the keyboard. I never noticed that before. Anyways, Pinky, here is my instruction to you: STAY ON THE FUCKING BOW! You are greatly needed in keeping the bow balanced for me, to make sure it doesn't fall forward and pull the other fingers out of balance. And Thumb: STAY CURLED! If You lock up you cause the fingers to lock up which caused the hand to lock up which renders everything useless. You pretty much lead the pack here- so STAY BENT! Lol.

                The Persian and the bossman are still in the back, ah well.

                Outlaw Josie Wales! Yay!

                Did a walk through, the BA is empty and as I approached the break room I saw someone walking around, a reflection in the door window but as I approached to see what they were doing the place was empty. The Persian said he was here on swing once and he kept hearing people talking and walking around.

                My fingertips hurt from practicing with the bow. My fingers are tired too… and my mind just dropped ten feet into the gutter!

                Josey Wales was a good movie. I found a fingerboard on Amazon for $10.

                I've noticed when my fingernails grow out my fingertips get a little numb.

                I wonder why that is, numbness… perhaps it's because I've never really had nails before. They never stay around for long, they aren't very strong and I guess I'm very rough- again with the swan dive into the gutter…. But they break, I'm not use to them so I'm never really being careful with my fingers and nails.

                Watching the Good the Bad and the Ugly, 3 more hours to go. Clint Eastwood reminds me of Hugh Jackman. I wonder if that's just me. Tonight hasn't been very long, I even went to the loo and had no creepy feelings, no spookiness or anything, made me very happy.

                I'm tired, this last stretch is going to be the toughest.

                Wearing a tank top was a mistake, I'm chilled now.  "When you have to shoot, shoot, don't talk."


                YAWN… The last hour… DW Series 6 (Season 32) starts April 23rd 2011, I am so excited about this.

                Right on the dot the relief comes in. Time to get shit together, head home soon, and go to bed. Then class, then laundry, then something else… YAWN… just wanna sleep now.



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