
                Oops, I left this at work last night. Many people do not believe in Hell, Satan or demons, I was surprised by that fact, if there is a Heaven, a G-d and angels there certainly must be an opposite. If there is no opposite then man does not have Free Will. But anyways, here's my point: my grandmother use to cast out demons from people. She was very good, but this also made her a high target for bad things. One day, close to Easter, my mother walks into a home where her mother is casting  out a demon and my mom is shocked to see it's one of her favorite cousins. This cousin is gay and had been acting very strangely and G-ma was going to cast out a demon and mom was watching and she said her cousin started swaying back and forth. "It was a snake demon, swaying back and forth, so hypnotizing that you wanted to sway with it." I thought about the King Cobra, and indeed many other snakes, they sway back and forth and their victim begins to follow it and then the snake, quick as lightening, strikes and kills. "And then," she continued. "It started laughing. 'Why are you laughing?' my mother asked it, and you should never talk to a demon, that invites them in, but she was casting a demon out and to do so you must talk to it. The demon kept laughing but said in a childish voice that shouldn't have been produced from my cousin 'Just ask the rabbit, go ask the rabbit.' It was close to Easter and the day is so skewed in religion. This is a day that many people come to church, once in the whole year, perhaps twice, so they come to church but then they go home and decorate eggs, hide the eggs, say the Easter bunny hid them and play those games. Anyways, she told me this past weekend, and it's been in my head ever since.

When to toss spices:

•Ground spices (nutmeg, cinnamon, turmeric): 2 to 3 years

•Herbs (basil, oregano, parsley): 1 to 3 years

•Seasoning blends: 1 to 2 years

•Whole spices (cloves, peppercorns, cinnamon sticks): 4 years

•Seeds: 4 years (except for poppy and sesame seeds, which should be discarded after 2 years)

•Extracts: 4 years (except for vanilla, which will last forever)

                I need to buy me some glass containers, but I might wait until the patio is built out. It'll be great to have all that extra space, I can move the papasan chair outside, move the kitchen table to the tin shed, move the wooden bar to the kitchen, move the large mirror to the tin shed as well.  I do love this place, practiced my violin yesterday until my shoulder was killing me. Pulled weeds, killed another elm, I need to finish that paper before tonight's class, and if I am lucky I'll see Sinclair again tonight.

                I need to learn to read musical notes.

                Cooking is nice, but it's best when there is someone to cook for. Bringing treats for co-workers only gets you so far before the loneliness starts to kill you.

To days to come,


                Sometimes I seriously HATE that I cannot write about what goes on at work, "it can be misconstrued by any possible reader and you can get into serious trouble for it." To which my response is "What the fuck ever happened to freedom of speech?" a reply back was "Oh that only applies to the Westboro Baptist Church and other insane people. Even if you're in the private sector you can't write on the internet about your work because it can be construed as you speaking on behalf of the company." So I figure, what if I put up a disclaimer? But for this it just wouldn't work, people are mean and would probably do things with my words that I would never intend to happen.

                I mean it's not like I would write anything bad, what happens here at my job are funny things. Jokes I wish I could repeat, actions I wish I could share because, to me at least, they are so funny and they make this place really relaxing and fun to work around. The people, while not exactly 'trusting' are comfortable enough around each other to smile and laugh and joke without getting hurt about it and it's great! Just sucks to know that this is not always the case with this job and these types of people. So, alas, I am set to talk about other things, and to keep these hilarious memories to myself, sharing them only by tongue with others who'll listen. Such is life.

                As is life, people die, and funerals are had. Yesterday's post was so short because by the time I got home I was so tired I just crashed for a few hours, woke up, cleaned a little and tried to sober up then went back to bed around 1am. As per tradition, there won't be talking about the 'funeral' if you can even call it that. SO I got home, crashed and when I woke up I was slightly hung over, drank a lot of water, ate some fruit and stared at my stove. That grease trap I had been meaning to clean for a while. Well, this past weekend I went with Owl Woman to the Dollar Tree and I was looking at the cleaning supplies just laughing to myself, like any of that crappy one buck shit'll work. But OW bought me a bottle of LA's Totally Awesome Orange! I was thinking, her loss, but eh, what the hell, it's just a buck. So last night I pull out the orange bottle and spray down the stove, watched as nothing fantastic happened, then grabbed a wet sponge and wiped and… holy shit… it worked. I was shocked! I use to clean this fucking stove with Lysol wipes and a shitload of elbow grease and JUST LIKE THAT the scuzziness was gone!! Yes I was very shocked, and happy, the stovetop is clean and I found a new cleaner that works! Just have to put it in a new bottle, that bottle trigger leaks like crazy.

                I found a website that'll help me train Artemis, I want to train her in basic obedience then move on to performing service dog techniques. I was thinking if she does good and performs well I can give her to brobro, that'll break my heart to see her go, but he needs a dog, and for his ptsd I think it'll be great. And if it doesn't work then it doesn't work, she's a fantastic dog through and through and whether or not she masters the service dog training or not she'll always have a home and be greatly loved.

                LOL! So I am playing Angry Birds, have been at this one level all day and brobro comes up to talk to me and I shoot my last bird and miss the monkey, but the crate slowly starts to tip and I stare at the tipping crate, slow, slowly, inching forward and my brother busts out laughing. "You look like Blaze! Slightly cross-eyed with this intense fascination look on your face!" AND THE MONKEY TIPPED OVER AND DIED! YESS!!!  Finally onto a new level, but that can wait until tonight. I have a paper to write, I should really do that.

http://www.dog-obedience-training-review.com/  Here's a site to help me train Artemis, I also bought a sheepherder's whistle. She comes most of the time when I whistle a two-tone pitch, but I cannot whistle very loud so I figured I would buy a whistle that was meant to cut through wind and rain and distance. I bought brobro's birthday present, I got my tribal verification from Lonna Cloud back too, that makes me super happy, now I can file for eagle feathers. That I've been meaning to do for years now, get eagle feather and present them to Owl Woman and Kazuzu for all that they have done for me.

                When I was in my associates program I was doing good, making good grades and chugging along. In the last term I was taking an online course along with Rosey and he was having a really hard time with it, his mother was sick, contracted MRSA, his pregnant sister was sick and the unborn child wasn't doing well either and he was falling behind in his classes. So I gave him one of my assignments to help him understand what had to be done. He did his own work, but he accidentally turned in mine. We nearly got kicked out of school. I was already nominated for National Honors Society but that got revoked and we would have been kicked out of ITT but Roque, a really great teacher, he stood up for us. He explained that Rosey did his work and that I just gave him my paper to help him understand it better and that Rosey needed the help because he was having a lot of family crisis issues that I was just helping him out so he wouldn't fail. We got heavy reprimands, and weren't allowed to take online classes together anymore. Even now Roque points out how much help I (and the rest of our crew) were giving him, he's already failed 2 classes and dropped down to a part time student since the reprimands. Rosey can do everything on his own, but he needs someone kicking his backside to keep up. Roque is another person I want to present an eagle feather to, I know he's greatly appreciate the gesture. He's Chickasaw and Cherokee, grew up in Louisiana and told me that bamboo is NOT something you want in your garden. He says it grows fast, it spreads like a weed, and the root system is so tight that no water gets under it which creates a perfect habitat for mice and rats, and if you get mice and rats you will get snakes! Normally not a bad thing, but the most common snake around here is the rattlesnake. Not so good. I think AJ is trying to grow bamboo in a section of the garden, Imma have to double check that and  tell her what Roque told me.

                So standing at my desk, I need to find a way to better type, oh I think I might have found it. Black box, yellow phone book, and white phone book and now I am typing comfortably. Just gotta make sure my knees don't lock, that'll be funny if I pass out- well, not funny for me, but bossman would get a laugh out of it. I am not so sleepy when I am standing at my desk; I feel more awake.

                I nearly have that May Song down pat, now I am working on my bow hand keeping steady and strong and not stopping when my left hand fingers stop. Moving independent of each other and not hesitating, that's the hard part. But I'll get there, I know I will. Also another problem I seem to be having is bow pressure and bow-string transferring. I keep getting squeakys!

                Likewise my nails are growing long and strong not use to having them grow like this; but it's nice.  But anyways, enough procrastinating, I need to get this paper done since I really don't want to be stuck doing it tonight or tomorrow in a hurry.

                Oh… I might need my other book for this too. Oops. I also seem to have misplaced my iPod.

To days to come,


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